Preparing for Lion – Upgrade to Snow Leopard, now.

***Update*** As we have found out since the release of Lion, Apple continues to sell Snow Leopard in their online store for anyone who may have missed it the first time around.  We definitely suggest upgrading as soon as possible. That’s not a suggestion… it’s a necessity. Without sounding like a drill sergeant, we’re strongly suggesting that any Leopard users upgrade to Snow Leopard as soon as possible.  If you’re running an Intel Mac (Core [...]

2017-08-28T22:26:26-04:00June 13th, 2011|Mac|

iTunes Match Breakdown – One more… piracy?

Please note that we’ve written a new article with much more information about iTunes Match and a couple brief how-to’s.  Just click here to read it. Apple announced iTunes Match during the WWDC keynote causing quite a stir in the music world.  Some people say iTunes Match enables piracy; others think that Apple worked hard to satisfy the RIAA with the $25 subscription fee.  The more paranoid people in the audience think the new service [...]

2017-08-28T22:27:38-04:00June 12th, 2011|Mac|

Preparing for Lion – What’s new?

Preparing for Lion is our new series that will help you transition to Mac OS 10.7 Lion.  We’ll be adding more articles all the time, so be sure to come back and take a look.  If you’d like to see all of the Lion materials, click Preparing for Lion. Apple just recapped many of the new features Lion will introduce in this morning’s WWDC Keynote.  As we predicted, it will be downloadable through the Mac [...]

2017-08-28T23:42:15-04:00June 7th, 2011|Mac|

Preparing for Lion – Lion Server via the Mac App Store

Preparing for Lion is our new series that will help you transition to Mac OS 10.7 Lion.  We’ll be adding more articles all the time, so be sure to come back and take a look.  If you’d like to see all of the Lion materials, click Preparing for Lion. Rumors are floating around that with Mac OS 10.7 Lion, companies will buy the regular operating system and then download the server add-on from the Mac App [...]

2017-08-28T22:28:49-04:00June 3rd, 2011|Mac|

Preparing for Lion – Rosetta Applications and Lion

Preparing for Lion is our new series that will help you transition to Mac OS 10.7 Lion.  We’ll be adding more articles all the time, so be sure to come back and take a look.  If you’d like to see all of the Lion materials, click Preparing for Lion. Rumor has it that Apple will be dropping Rosetta support for PowerPC applications with the introduction of Lion.  “Whoa, what was all of that computer jargon?”  Before [...]

2017-08-28T22:29:01-04:00May 23rd, 2011|Mac|

MACDefender Malware Removal

The number of malware threats and viruses has been notoriously small for the Mac, but a new piece of malicious software just appeared and it could affect your computer.  MACDefender (also known as Mac Protector or Mac Security) is considered “scareware” and tries to get you to enter your credit card information after scanning your computer for security threats. This problem is definitely not widespread, so how did it make it’s way to some computers [...]

2017-08-28T22:30:13-04:00May 19th, 2011|Mac|

Add book cover images to your iBooks in iTunes

Very soon, all of us — not just iPad users — will be able to download iBooks from the iTunes Store and view them on our Apple mobile device of choice. iPad users, obviously, already have this feature. iPhone and iPod touch users will see this addition when iPhone OS 4.0 comes out sometime this summer. For now, this article applies to the iPad users, but the rest of us will be joining them shortly. [...]

2017-08-28T22:58:16-04:00May 16th, 2010|Mac|


DroboPro is a storage array that manages itself. DroboPro is a rackmountable/desktop eight-drive storage array that protects against two simultaneous drive failures. Capacity expands by adding/replacing drives. DroboPro's BeyondRAID technology allows mixing different sized drives without sacrificing capacity. Connect to a computer via iSCSI/FireWire800/USB. It supports up to 16, 16TB volumes (LUNs). Includes iSCSI initiator and backup software.

2017-08-28T22:46:14-04:00November 2nd, 2006|Mac|