Gmail Whitelist

Source: From the page: Sure Gmail's spam filter is mighty and good. When you visit the Spam view all you see is junk. All the mail you want to receive arrives in time. What though if you want to be sure — sure that messages from your peers your friends or your family never end marked as spam by Gmail? That security is in a filter that's simple effective and set up easily. Whitelist [...]

2019-10-25T21:19:05-04:00February 6th, 2010|Quick Tips|

Restore iPhone from old backup

when you sync an iPhone with iTunes it performs a backup of the phone but it only keeps one revision back it's not like Time Machine. if you do a Restore of your iPhone iTunes will create a second backup that is separate from the one/most recent normal sync backup. so typically after Restoring an iPhone you will have two backup options to restore from: the backup created immediately before initiating the restore and the [...]

2019-10-25T21:20:08-04:00February 3rd, 2010|Quick Tips|

Mac OS X Server 10.6 – iCal Server

Add iCal Server Account in iCal - Mac OS X 10.6 iCal > Preferences > Accounts Click the + button For email address enter [User Name]@[Server Name] Enter your server password Under Account Information you can edit the Description and set your available hours Under Delegation you can give people access to your calendars or accept access Add iCal Server Account in iCal - Mac OS X 10.5 [Server Name]:[Port Number]/principals/__uids__/[GUID from [...]

2019-10-25T21:24:23-04:00January 30th, 2010|Quick Tips|

Tip – Mac URL for Server FIles

Using Get Info you can copy/paste the URL to file into an email and it will launch off the server when clicked. Still need more testing on different URLs .local IP external but if the server is like server.[domain].com. Perfecto!

2019-10-25T21:25:38-04:00January 14th, 2010|Quick Tips|

Mac OS X Server – Repair website configuration files

The folder etc>apache2>sites contains the configuration files for your sites. Apple's Server Admin requires certain sections to be present to allow configuration through Server Admin. CAUTION: All websites will be down during this process and damage could be caused to functionality unless backups are carefully made and verified. Ensuring you can restore the sites folder to it's current state quickly is vital to making sure the web server can be brought back up quickly in [...]

2019-10-25T21:26:08-04:00January 14th, 2010|Quick Tips|

Convert YouTube to QuickTime on Mac

Navigate to the video in the proper resolution in Safari Click Option + Command + A (Opens Activity window) Double-click the SWF or .flv file after it is completely downloaded. (You're looking for the largest file shown in the Activity window almost certainly megabytes vs. kilobytes.) This downloads it to your computer Use Handbrake to convert to appropriate format

2019-10-25T21:26:46-04:00December 15th, 2009|Quick Tips|

iPhone for Exchange Setup Instructions

from the Home screen tap Settings then tap Mail Contacts Calendars tap your current Exchange account tap Delete Account at the bottom it'll take a second to delete and then you're back at the Accounts page tap Add Account tap Exchange enter the following settings... Email: [Your Email] Domain: MAIL Username: [Your User] Password: [Your Password] Description: [Short Description] tap Next if you get a message that says: Unable to Verify Certificate tap Accept next [...]

2019-10-25T21:30:55-04:00December 12th, 2009|Quick Tips|

Qwest Actiontec and Bonjour

Qwest is distributing an Actiontec PK5000 modem/router combo that does not route bonjour packets. The device has 4 ethernet ports and wireless 802.11 - if you're on a LAN created by the device bonjour will not work on the network. If you use the Actiontec only as modem and connect to another router and you're good. Qwest has alternative modem/router combos that work fine.

2019-10-25T21:32:05-04:00December 9th, 2009|Quick Tips|

iPhoto 09 spins/hangs on launch

Client was experiencing issue where iPhoto 09 would spin/hang on launch. Disabled all network interfaces and launched iPhoto without issue. Disabled iPhoto looking for Shared Libraries and now it works fine.

2019-10-25T21:31:30-04:00December 9th, 2009|Quick Tips|